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  The research archive of Gary W. Ewer regarding the history of the daguerreotype

On this day (January 22) in the year 1846, the following advertisement appeared in the "Nashua Gazette and Hillsborough Advertiser." (Nashua, New Hampshire; Vol XIX., No. 50) The advertisement is also accompanied by a wood-engraving of a daguerreotypist and sitter. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WM. VANCE invites public attention to the splendid miniatures, with or without colors, which he is now executing at his rooms in this village, OVER MRS WEB- STER'S STORE, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. By the aid of new chemical agents, most splendid results are obtain- ed--and multitudes delight daily at the astonishing perfec- tion to which, in point of delineation, boldness, and unerring truthfulness, this art has so suddenly attained. In an in- stant, as it were, upon the shining silver surface is portray- ed the laughing countenance of joyous youth with all its freshness. From the most aged to the veriest* child, it is equally applicable, as the unerring delineator of life. De- lay not then, as opportunity shall present, to secure one, two, three or six, of these mementoes of life, which, under the trying circumstance of final seperation from friends, no price can purchase. Miniatures taken every day with- out regard to weather, in any style, in Lockets of any size, or in common cases. N.B.--Instruction given in the art, and every article ap- pertaining to the business furnished, warranted of the best quality, and at the very lowest price. Please call and examine specimens. 48 (As usual, all errors of spelling/grammar are maintained. * was "fairest" the intended word? - G.E.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 01-22-97

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