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  The research archive of Gary W. Ewer regarding the history of the daguerreotype

On this day (April 4) in the year 1843, A. S. Southworth addressed this letter to Henry Moore of Lowell, Massachusetts (and, interestingly, the sheet indicates a reply of the same date): - - - - - - - - April 4th, 1843 to Henry Moore 20 Merrimack Street, Lowell Mr. Moore Dr. Sir. We forward you one Dozen Plates. We have Satin of different colors. Blue - and Purple or Claret. You shall have them at $5.00 per Doz. We will send again but should like to have you write if such cases will answer. We will have some velvet lined cases soon. Say 4 days hence. Yours. A.S. Southworth & Co. [Moore's reply, on the same sheet] Messrs. A.S.S. & Co. -- Gent. The plates are rec'd. Please send a doz. cases lined with purple & claret - half each. I should like them by Wednesday noon. I was in greater want of the cases than the plates. You forgot the Cl. Iodine. In haste. Your obt. servt. Henry Moore Lowell April 4th P.S. Perhaps I shall be in Boston the latter part of this week. (Cited from a transcript of a manuscript in the Southworth & Hawes papers at the George Eastman House.) -------------------------------------------------------------- 04-04-98

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