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  The research archive of Gary W. Ewer regarding the history of the daguerreotype

On this day (May 25) the following advertisements appeared in their respective publications: - - - - - - in the 25 May 1849 "Cambrian" (Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales): THE ART ITSELF IS NATURE HELIOTYPE PORTRAITS an Improved Principal of Photography, taken Daily (for a few weeks only), from Nine till Dusk By MR SAXBY AT MR PALMER'S, CARVER AND GILDER, WIND STREET SWANSEA Where specimens may be seen --- The advantage possessed by this improved process of Portraiture over the Daguerreotype is, that the whole process is done in the open daylight (MR SAXBY'S own invention), which gives the Pictures strength and durability, which others do not pos- sess. The more light is given them the betters, which is generally destructive to the Daguerreotype. The portraits are taken on Silver Plates, in a few seconds (from two to twenty), according to he light, and varying in price from 8s to 25s., which depends on the size of the plate, fittings, &c &c Portraits paid for at or on delivery, but no extra charge for sitting again if not approved of. NB. - The Art taught on reasonable terms (with thanks to Richard Morris, UK) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * and these two ads in the 25 May 1848 "Independent Democratic & Freeman (Concord, New Hampshire; Vol. IV, No. 4): GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN D A G U E R R E T Y P I N G ! ! JOHN A. WHIPPLE, 96 WASHINGTON STREET, Boston. HAS added to his extensive establish- ment a M I N I A T U R E S T E A M E N G I N E, for executing the mechanical parts--the first and only application of Steam Power to this art. This power gives a more perfect, ex- quisite and sensitive polish to his plates, especially large plates for Groups and family Pictures, and enables him to make GREAT IMPROVEMENT on pictures which have been pronounced very perfect. He received one of the highest premiums for the art at the late Mechanics' Fair. The best judges say his Fami- ly and other Groups wholly excel anything of the kind in the Daguerreotype Art. but he very much prefers to have his pictures speak for him, and therefore respectfully invites the public to call, examine and judge for themselves. Among the Groups Family and single specimens in his extensive Gallery, may be seen Rev. S. BLISS and Family, Hon. WM. JACKSON and Family, of 16--Gov. BRIGGS and Council, seated as in their Chamber, and the four Hon. Judges of the Mass. Supreme Court as in their seat--with many other distinguished personages. Likenesses of Children taken best with clear sky.-- Adults in any weather. Prices reasonable. Perfect satis- faction warranted. Secure the Shadow while the substance is in Life. 2--3m is (the ad is accompanied by a small wood-engraving of the steam engine.) * * * * * * * * * * * KIMBALLS DAGUERREOTYPES. ARE universally admitted to be superior to any put up in this region, and equal to any in the world. Mr. K. would call the particular attention of Artists, Amateurs, and indeed all, to the peculiar excellencies of his pictures --the superior rotundity of features, and general relief of the whole figure--the depth, purity, and brilliancy of tone --the transparency of shading, always blending into the lights with a softness not excelled in any department of art, or even nature itself; while the lights are so managed as never to be overdone--the slightest lines and most deli- cate shades being preserved, and yet kept perfectly pure. From a rapid and steady increase of patronage, he feels assured that these excellencies are generally appreciated, and in order to meet the demands of the community more efficiently, he will be assisted in future by his brother, hav- ing disposed of his rooms in Manchester, with the deter- mination to spend his undivided efforts in meeting the wants of his friends and patrons in Concord. Pictures put up in every desired style and form, and copying of all kinds satisfactorily executed. Invalids will be waited upon at their residences, if desired. To Operators. The subscriber would say that he is prepared to furnish them an article of Sensitive Coating, superior to anything of the kind to be had in New Eng- land; also, Chloride of Gold and gilding ready for use. Instruction given in the art, including a complete knowl- edge of the preparation of every chemical preparation used, the latter of which will be a saving to any operator, in six months, of more than the whole expense of acquiring the art. Rooms, 142 Main Street, first door South of Eagle Cof- fee House. WM. H. KIMBALL. Concord, March, 9, 1848. tf (I recently received this note from DagNews reader Bob Held: "I know you don't like to do much advertising with your mailing list but your subscribers might be interested in knowing about an online auction service called eBay AuctionWeb at: http://www.ebay.com There are have been several nice daguerreotypes/ambrotypes up for auction on the service recently. They have a nice "Search" feature where all you do is put in "daguer" or whatever and it will pull out all the listings.") ------------------------------------------------------------ 05-25-97

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